Q Magazine interviews Billie Joe about John Lennon's

Q Magazine's cover story for their latest issue is for the 70th birthday of John Lennon. Billie Joe did a short interview with Q answering a few questions about John's life.
"Q Mag: When did you first become aware of John Lennon? 

Billie Joe:
I heard The Beatles when I was six years old or something. I remember when he died there was a moment of silence on the radio while my sisters were getting ready for school, feathering their hair back like Farrah Fawcett. 

Q Mag:
Without John Lennon, I wouldn't have... 

Billie Joe:
...known what true honesty in music is. 

Q Mag:
Sum up John Lennon in one sentence... 

Billie Joe:
He covered every aspect of love"

Click on the image to the right to read the full scan. This issue of Q is now available to buy at your local news stands or online by clicking here.

Source : Green Day Authority
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