There were nearly a dozen “Oh my God, you’ll never believe what song Green Day is playing right now!” moments.
Yes, of course this sounds like an overstatement, but it was this feeling that swept the crowd during the show and stayed with us on our drive home. You don’t have to believe me, just search Twitter and you’ll see what I mean. Every single concert goer had that after-sex glow as they made the long walk out of Verizon Wireless Amphitheater. Among the people going nuts was tennis star Serena Williams. She was Tweeting all night, basically narrating the entire show for her friends around the globe. Apparently, she’s a huge rock fan. Who knew?
It all started when dirty, beer drinking bunny hobbled on stage. As if he’d just woke from a night in a dumpster, he wobbled around the stage interacting with the audience. It was almost like one of the roadies found an old, thrashed bunny suit and said, “Hey, I’m gonna go out on stage with this on…” And the band said, “Sure, go nuts.”
From the moment that Green Day hit the stage, you could tell Billie Joe was energized and this wasn’t going to be any ordinary show. The giant LCD backdrop, the balls of fire, and perfectly choreographed explosions added the right elements to every song without ever upstaging the band.
About a third way through the show, Billie started bringing fans up on stage. Yes, he’s done this a million times, but for some reason, this time seemed a little more special, and a whole lot funnier. He looked down at security and said, “I’m Billy Joe f**cking Armstrong, I’ll do anything I want!” Clearly, security believed him.
An Asian guy, probably in his early 40s, was called out from the pit. When he finally made it through the pit and up to Billie Joe, he stood next to him, almost dumbfounded, and grabbed the mic.
“This is Billie f’ing Joe! (insert long pause) Billie f’ing Joe!” He’d step back a few feet then as if we didn’t hear it the first time, he repeated, “This is Billie Joe Armstrong!” The crowd erupted as expected. Billie grabbed the mic and graciously motioned to this awe-struck man that the only way to get off stage was to dive back into the crowd. And that’s just what he did. He grabbed his shades from neck of his shirt, slid them on his face and went running right off the edge of the stage. This was just the beginning.
Notable Tweets:
@SerenaWilliams: Most amazing @GreenDay show ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!
@nikieatsbrains @GreenDay was fucking amazing. Even better than I expected, holy shit.
@EnixLHQ Just saw Greenday in concert.I’m amazed at how much they love their fans. They truly do. And the concert was 4 hours! I hurt.
@BikerfayKarla Confetti @GreenDay dam.. it’s almost overhttp://twitpic.com/2k5jzm
@VALgabond I have to say…this @GreenDay show def makes my top 3 shows of all time.
@rasputintx #BillyJoe is the Energizer Bunny of rock stars. #GreenDay
@loveisadrug nothin quite like seeing the biggest, most colorful shooting star while watching @GreenDay kill it on stage. #perfectnight
@established71 #greenday is killing it right now – seriously, a cover of ozzy, led zep, gnr, ac/dc and more…holy shit #classic #rocknroll
@hsanfordUSC Billie Joe just hosed the crowd!! I can’t love this guy enough! @greenday
@stfu_its_ginaaa Billie just did a headstand. Holy crap. PS I’ll be tweeting live about the @GreenDay show a LOT throughout the nite. Just a heads up.
@MaryJaneDuck Ay! Ay! 2.5+ hrs, and still going on strong. @GreenDay doesn’t kid around. When Green Day holds shows, they throw parties! Best concert!
@MissLust18 Omg still at the concert damn Green Day know how to f**king play forever haha
@Alligangsta: God. Green day are the best ever. Played paper lanterns, JAR, 2000 light yrs away, burnout.. so much i didnt expect.
@jjmelo: Old school Green Day, new stuff, everything in between, even a dozen cover songs. Great performance. #greenday #fb
@Obsessee: Green Day concert was unf**kingbelievable.\
Here some video from the show it Hitchin A Ride:
[Full review at KROQ]