Interview with Green Day's tour chef

Alif Joe Armstrong

Tags → , interviewed Green Day's tour chef, Yeah they are Sean Stone and Steve Jenkins . His article is very interesting to read it, it's call "Eat Like a Rock Star" 

"For big-name musical groups, sex, drugs and rock 'n' roll don't cut it anymore. Healthy, freshly prepared meals are the order of the day. On show night, a 14-hour day is typical for the catering crew. When they're moving from town to town, after the concert, instead of heading to a motel, the crew loads into the bus. Before Irvine, the last concert was in Arizona. "We drove all night and slept on the bus," Stone said. "When we arrived at 10 a.m. in Irvine, we went shopping at Whole Foods and H Mart, a Korean-Chinese supermarket. Then we started cooking.""
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