Some from the highlights of the show included when roughly 10 fans climbed up on stage to dance around during '2000 Light Years Away'. Shortly after during 'Hitchin a Ride' Billie stopped the show to make sure a fan in the pit was okay. Lastly the setlist as a whole was one big highlight.
You can see the video hitchin a ride live at Susquehanna Bank Center in Camden, New Jersey below :
RollingStone.com has posted up their review of last night's show stating that even after 22 years Green Day still hasn't lost a beat.
'The real meat of the show was aimed at the over-30 set, with 13 straight songs spanning 1990-1997. Even Armstrong's look was a callback to this era; gone were the guyliner and pitch-black hair of the '00s, replaced by the bottle-blond mess of 1994. (Armstrong's explanation: "I went to the hair salon and I said, 'Can you give me the Justin Bieber look?' And this is what I got.")'
Shortly after the show had come to a close Billie Joe posted this following message on Twitter:
'1st show of tour was amazing! Gr8 to b back in the states. Camden NJ!! Highlight for me was paper lanterns! Ready to fuck shit up!-bj'

Source : Green Day Authority