411 Mania's Number One Band

Alif Joe Armstrong

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A couple writers from the website 411 Mania have included Green Day in their series "The Weekly Top 5." Green Day comes in at number one on Alistair McGeorge's list.
'Green Day were the first name that sprung to mind when I read this week's topic. Over the last 22 years, Green Day have grown and matured, going from the punk kids on Kerplunk! and 1,039/Smoothed Out Slappy Hours to the epic stadium rockers we've heard on recent albums American Idiot and 21st Century Breakdown.

Honestly, I love every album Green Day has made (although American Idiot is a low point for the diehard fan in me), from the experimental, acoustic-rock style on Warning to the pop-punk perfection that is Dookie. Never content with sticking to one genre.'
Another writer, Aaron Titan, also included Green Day on his list at number two.

I know they've got a bit of bad press from die-hard fans who think they've lost their edge, but they're selling 21st Century Breakdown short. It's not Dookie-era Green Day, but it's so much more. There's a bit of everything, from pop-punk tracks like "Know Your Enemy", "The Static Age" and "Murder City" to ballads like "21 Guns" and "Last Night On Earth".

The songwriting is fantastic, and they really are the biggest rock band in the world right now.
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