Foxboro debutes "It's Fuck Time" last night

The Foxboro Hot Tubs played in New York City last night. They debuted a new song called "It's Fuck Time", which they played no less than 8 times throughout the night. They also played Stop Drop & Roll a few times, along with St. Jimmy, Blood Sex and Booze, and other Foxboro Hot Tubs songs. They tried taking requests, but usually just ended up repeating It's Fuck Time.

Lots of crowd surfing by the band, Billie Joe hanging on the rafters (here's a picture), Mike giving Billie a kiss after Billie was making out with a skeleton for at least 5 minutes. Lots of really awesome memories. We'll be posting a full recap sometime next week.

Here's a video of the new song, and you can download the mp3 here.

It's Fuck Time

And She's a saint, Not a Celebrity


newsend-1.gif picture by aldy_sha
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